September 14, 2020 / 4 Comments

I get asked a lot how I manage to run three websites (, and this one), three handles on Instagram (@lorrainecladish, @theflawedyogini and @vivafifty), along with numerous Facebook pages, Twitter handles and Pinterest profiles, without losing it.

The answer: repurposing and creating spin-offs of content. You probably do not visit any of my other websites often or even at all. That’s why I rarely tell Instagram followers to go see my blog post in the link in my bio. I personally don’t usually exit a platform to read something elsewhere.
Similarly, my website readers most likely don’t go to my social media accounts. YouTube watchers stick to YouTube, and so on and so forth.
So what I’ve learned to do repurpose one piece of content for multiple platforms. This post was originally an IG caption, which I rewrote as a blog post here on Sometimes I will do the opposite: a blog post will become content on social media. And that’s my secret!
This way my content gets to more people on different social media platforms, it’s also searchable on Google and it makes me feel I’m working more efficiently and serving more readers.
What’s your secret to keeping all of your social media sharing new content regularly?

Sounds logical, Lorraine. However, your followers know of your websites and social media, I, being one of them.
My issue is how to improve traffic on my website. Currently, I mention new website posts on my fb page and in my IG stories. In both places, the reader has to leave the platform to go to my website. Any advice on improving traffic on my website?
Thanks for always sharing your knowledge!
Hi Anita, so for better or for worse, I have to put money into boosting posts on Facebook. At the very beginning of Viva Fifty (5 and a half years ago) I would get a lot of bang for my buck. Now I spend the same or more, and get fewer clicks (visits to blog), so a year ago I amped up my Pinterest game. Hired someone to start it off for me and then I took it from there. Pinterest is a great traffic generator but requires a lot of daily posting (I use Tailwind for that). But yes, investing in social media is a must for me. It´s also my business.
Thanks Lorraine! I’ve wondered about the fb boosting and have procrastinated in trying it. I’ll let you know when I try it and the results.
Another question: Do you use an online planner to map out your list of things to do each day?
Also, eventually I’m going to hop on Pinterest, too!
I appreciate you taking time from your busy day, too, Lorraine, to discuss this with me.
I use asana for to-do lists, a publication calendar for Viva Fifty and Google Calendar which I share with family and my manager. 😀