January 12, 2023 + Blogging & social media, English
My light and audio setup for YouTube & Instagram videos and Zoom workshops
I’ve been doing videos, lives and zoom calls for years. Here is the setup I use to be in the best light!

September 14, 2020 + Blog, Blogging & social media, English
How I manage regular content creation across several websites and social media platforms
Being a content creator for more than one website or social media platform can be hard. Here is how I manage to put out content regularly without losing my mind.

April 8, 2020 + Blogging & social media, Creative Entrepreneurship, English
Handling the end of a gig like a boss
When you are a freelancer or self-employed you need to accept that gigs come and go. Be as graceful as you can when it’s over.

February 13, 2020 + Blogging & social media, Creative Entrepreneurship, English
Can you really make a living blogging and creating online content?
It is possible to make a living blogging and creating content online. Only a small percentage of bloggers achieve it, but it can and does happen.
January 27, 2020 + Blogging & social media, English
8 Basic steps to get started as a content creator
Many people think about creating a blog or social media presence and monetize it. Here are 8 steps to establish and get your digital brand up and running.

December 11, 2019 + Blogging & social media, English
How I batch tasks to blog more efficiently
As a content creator, switching gears is one of the biggest challenges in any given work day. That’s why I batch tasks as much as I can. Here’s how.

November 23, 2019 + Blogging & social media, Español
Cómo se gana la vida una “influencer” digital en USA
Ser influyente en las redes sociales, o “influencer” digital, en Estados Unidos es una profesión como cualquier otra. Te explico cómo generamos ingresos.

September 7, 2019 + Blogging & social media, English
3 E-books guaranteed to rev up your blogging game
Whether you’re starting your blog or have been at it for a while, these three e-books will help you shine on camera, take better pictures and make a profit!

July 2, 2019 + Blogging & social media, English
What should your online brand or persona be like?
My online brand or persona is exactly who and how I am in private. I find it easy and liberating. How do you want to show up online?

June 15, 2019 + Blogging & social media, English
Tips for journaling when you fear your diary will be read
If you love to keep a journal or diary and you fear someone you love may read it, here are three tips to allow you to express yourself without being found out.