+ The one trait that will help you achieve your goals

The one trait that will help you achieve your goals

I’m a 50+ woman who has a track record of setting and achieving goals. For example: writing and publishing books (I´m ecstatic to share that my next one will be released by HarperCollins in 2017). Making a full-time living as a digital communicator and influencer. Being in decent shape by practicing yoga daily. Having a good relationship with my former husband, which makes my kids happy…. Read More

+ I´m busy enough so why am I launching a new blog?

I´m busy enough, so why launch a new blog?

Oh, my, so it´s been two years since I launched my digital publication Viva Fifty!  It is aimed mainly at women who want to celebrate life at 50+. It was the logical thing for me to do, since I had already crossed the turning 50 line and was, and still am, passionate about showing others that life in your fifties and beyond can be… Read More