8 Basic steps to get started as a content creator

Many people think about creating a blog or social media presence and monetize it. Here are 8 steps to establish and get your digital brand up and running.

+ Lorraine C. Ladish and Alexia at BlogHer17

Dealing with post-social media conference exhaustion

Have you ever returned from a professional conference, particularly a social media conference, feeling all pumped up only to crash and burn a few hours after getting home? If so, please know you’re not alone. Your level of post-conference exhaustion will depend on different factors like how long the event was, whether or not you had to travel, whether you presented at a panel,… Read More

+ Consumer Reports, an organization that works with and for the consumer

Visiting Consumer Reports headquarters in Yonkers, NY

I’ve teamed up with Consumer Reports and am proud to be one of their paid brand ambassadors; my personal opinions do not necessarily reflect those of Consumer Reports. I picked up my first Consumer Reports magazine at the supermarket when I moved back to the U.S. 12 years ago. It wasn´t worth shipping everything we had back in Spain, especially home gadgets and electronics,… Read More

+ The one trait that will help you achieve your goals

The one trait that will help you achieve your goals

I’m a 50+ woman who has a track record of setting and achieving goals. For example: writing and publishing books (I´m ecstatic to share that my next one will be released by HarperCollins in 2017). Making a full-time living as a digital communicator and influencer. Being in decent shape by practicing yoga daily. Having a good relationship with my former husband, which makes my kids happy…. Read More

+ I´m busy enough so why am I launching a new blog?

I´m busy enough, so why launch a new blog?

Oh, my, so it´s been two years since I launched my digital publication Viva Fifty!  It is aimed mainly at women who want to celebrate life at 50+. It was the logical thing for me to do, since I had already crossed the turning 50 line and was, and still am, passionate about showing others that life in your fifties and beyond can be… Read More