September 25, 2016 / Leave a Comment

Yoplait Go Big is inviting parents to write open letters to their tweens or teens telling them why they are amazing and why they inspire us. I will take any opportunity to highlight the positive in life, so I was really excited about this campaign.
If you are a parent of teens, you know it can be a challenge. That´s why I find it so important to focus on how inspiring they can also be if we pay close attention.
Now here´s the thing. I have a tween and two teens, ages 12, 13 and 15. How could I pick just one to write a letter to? I decided to write something for each of them.
Alexia, 12 – budding artist

Alexia, 12 – the artist (c) Lorraine C. Ladish
Hey, Monkey, I already told you today how much I admire your creativity. When you were in pre-kinder the teacher called me in, to complain, because you were drawing outside of the lines. You also refused to color a tree green. You wanted it to be purple. I loved it. You were four.
Just today I watched you walk a runway where you wore your own creation. An outfit made with scraps and recycled materials that you designed and sewed. I remembered all the times you´ve worn mismatched socks, because it´s your thing. How you love pairing a dress with sneakers and make it work. It´s an art in itself.
I´m also inspired by your self-awareness, which is a rare and yet a great trait to have. I love you.
Finn, 13 – techie and videographer

Finn, 13 – the videographer (c) Lorraine C. Ladish
I jokingly call you Finnamagig. Of the three kids, you are the one that shows me the most respect and I admire you for that. You are legally my stepson, sure, but after 7 years together, to me you´re just one more of my kids. I admire how you treat the girls, just like sisters. It´s great to see you all enjoying one another´s company and being there for each other.
You really are the quickest to do a chore when I ask, which is not a small feat!
I´m so glad and proud you got to be your dad´s best man when we married. I enjoy your inquisitive mind and can´t wait to see where it takes you in the future.
Above all, you are a noble and great-hearted kid. I love you.
Chloe, 15, basketball maven

Chloe, 15, the basketball maven (c) Lorraine C. Ladish
Chloe, you have always been wise beyond your years. You´ve also been determined from a young age. I admire your dedication to your passion: basketball. That´s what´s earned you your nickname Clutch with some of your coaches. I´ve seen you train on your own off-season. I´ve been very aware of your long runs, your intense conditioning sessions and your practices even when it was too hot, too rainy or just too early or too late. You still did it.
You´re the only kid I know that has been booking her own airplane tickets for a while now. You are a born organizer and leader. And you sure know how to find a good deal.
Thank you for being a great older sister to your siblings. I love you.
My three kids
These are my kiddos crushing their Go Big, a new, large yogurt pouch designed specifically with teens in mind. They can do this single-handedly while they tackle everyday life. I purchased it at Walmart, and it’s available at other stores.

My kids (c) Lorraine C. Ladish
Write a letter to your teen!
I bet your teen is amazing too. For a chance to win the spotlight for your teen, go to the Go Big Facebook page and share how your teen inspires you. Go Big will select three teens with amazing stories and give them a platform to show the world! For more information, full contest rules can be found on the Go Big Facebook Page. (Contest nominees must be 13-17 years old at time of nomination).

Go Big is perfect for teens (c) Lorraine C. Ladish
What do you admire about your kid?