January 28, 2018 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
A strategy session with Johanna Voss changed my business & my life
When I launched the website VivaFifty.com early in 2014 I told my husband that it would probably take a year or two for it to make any money. To my surprise I was dead wrong. I had started it off as a personal blog, with a completely different look and feel than it has now. I just wanted a creative outlet from my contractor… Read More

October 25, 2017 + Beauty & Style, English
7 Meaningful gifts made by women, for women
I’m a big proponent of gifting items and services made by women for women. It’s a way of supporting small businesses and other ladies. Here are some of my favorites, and please know that the list is just a small sample of what is out there! Pressed Intentions Maura Hernandez is a journalist and an editor who launched this Etsy shop as a creative… Read More

August 10, 2017 + Empowerment, English
4 Things you should STOP doing so you can reach your full potential
There´s a lot of talk about what to do to be successful. Equally important is what to STOP doing. That’s right. We all have to stop doing whatever is getting in the way of reaching our goals. After a lifetime of working for myself and making a living with words – writing, editing, translating and adapting them, – these are the things I feel… Read More

April 30, 2017 + English, Motherhood & Parenting
Does online work get in the way of family time?
Oh, this one´s a biggie for me. And I don´t just mean since I became a mom. I´ve always worked a lot, ever since I was very very young. Maybe it´s because I love what I do. Even setting up this website and blog. I didn´t do it in little pockets of time here and there. On the last stretch, I worked hour upon hour non-stop… Read More

March 7, 2017 + English, Health & Fitness
This is why I post my yoga photos on Instagram
So I recently watched this video by JP Sears on yoga photos on Instagram and I laughed so much that I had to share it on my Facebook page. Before we go on with this post, I´d love for you to watch it because now every time I make (yes MAKE) my photographer husband take yoga pics, I can´t get this video off of… Read More

January 8, 2017 + English, Motherhood & Parenting
Breaking the news of grandpa’s death to my teen and tween
Breaking the news of a loved one’s death is never easy. I’d rather endure receiving bad news myself one hundred times than having to break it to my kids once. But life and death are intertwined and so delaying the news or trying to sugarcoat it doesn’t make much sense. And yet, telling my daughters that their grandfather was dead is the hardest thing… Read More

December 28, 2016 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
6 Books for creative entrepreneurs
One of the things I recommend to anyone who wants to excel at entrepreneurship, blogging, writing and social media – or anything else, really – is to read about it. I am obsessive about reading and rereading books that can inspire me to grow and flourish in any aspect of life. So since people ask me what I read for inspiration when it comes… Read More

December 6, 2016 + English, Health & Fitness
Why the heck do I feel guilty when I’m sick?
I’m an artist, a dreamer, but I’m also a doer and a go-getter. I’m getting pretty good at working smarter rather than harder or longer. But I still have this urge to feel productive at least a few hours out of each day. No matter WHAT. Nothing can stop me. Or so I wish to believe. By productive I mean doing something that moves… Read More