November 13, 2019 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
How an intimate blogger & PR mastermind retreat upleveled my digital business
As great as I believe conferences are for learning and networking, nothing beats the intimacy of a small mastermind retreat to level up.
October 24, 2019 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
This trait alone will help you succeed in freelancing and blogging
Most people believe success as a freelancer or blogger requires a bunch of fancy skills. Yes, you need to know your craft. But most importantly, you need to show up.
August 21, 2019 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
The reason why I don’t dread Mondays
Too many people seem to dread Mondays, and they certainly life for Friday evenings. From a young age, any day of the week, including Monday, is a good day. Here’s why.
August 6, 2019 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
Welcome to my messy work-life-motherhood
Being a self-employed mother is not for wimps. Of course, being a parent is hard enough. However, in my case work, life and motherhood are intertwined.
July 30, 2019 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
Do I ever feel like quitting my business? You bet!
Most of us feel like we´re the only ones who think of quitting our business or creative endeavor. It´s a normal part of being an artist or entrepreneur!
July 23, 2019 + Blog, Creative Entrepreneurship, English
3 Apps I use to manage cash flow in my digital business
Cash flow is usually an issue for small businesses and freelancers, especially when our income varies from month to month. Here are three apps I use to manage it.
July 11, 2019 + Empowerment, English
The gift of active listening or “holding the space”
Listening without passing judgment, without giving advice or without giving feedback is hard. But it´s the best way to help someone get through their emotional pain.
June 26, 2019 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
How I (don’t) achieve work-life balance
I’ve always believed work-life balance is a myth, especially for those of us who work from home and/or have kids on top of that. Here’s how I make it all flow.