+ Too many people seem to dread Mondays, and they certainly life for Friday evenings. From a young age, any day of the week, including Monday, is a good day. Here's why.

The reason why I don’t dread Mondays

Too many people seem to dread Mondays, and they certainly life for Friday evenings. From a young age, any day of the week, including Monday, is a good day. Here’s why.

+ My big messy work-life-motherhood

Welcome to my messy work-life-motherhood

Being a self-employed mother is not for wimps. Of course, being a parent is hard enough. However, in my case work, life and motherhood are intertwined.

+ Do I ever feel like quitting? You bet!

Do I ever feel like quitting my business? You bet!

Most of us feel like we´re the only ones who think of quitting our business or creative endeavor. It´s a normal part of being an artist or entrepreneur!

+ 3 Apps I use to manage cash flow in my digital business

3 Apps I use to manage cash flow in my digital business

Cash flow is usually an issue for small businesses and freelancers, especially when our income varies from month to month. Here are three apps I use to manage it.

+ How I don't achieve work life balance

How I (don’t) achieve work-life balance

I’ve always believed work-life balance is a myth, especially for those of us who work from home and/or have kids on top of that. Here’s how I make it all flow.

+ The importance of allowing yourself to evolv

The importance of allowing yourself to evolve

It’s important to learn to allow yourself to grow and evolve in life and business. If you are in the exact same place you were a few years ago, and you feel stagnant, it’s time for a change.

+ 8 Apps I use to manage my digital business

8 Apps I use to manage my digital business

I’m always on the lookout for ways to streamline my professional and personal life. Since I’m self-employed and work from home, often what helps me manage one part of my day benefits the other parts too.  Here are some apps and services that I rely on to simplify everything. It’s not an exhaustive list, but they’re the ones I use the most FOR ORGANIZATIONAL… Read More

+ Como encontrar tiempo para alcanzar tus metas

Encuentra el tiempo para alcanzar tus metas

“No tengo tiempo” es la excusa más frecuente que empleamos para no perseguir un sueño. Claro que puedes convertir tu sueño en una meta, simplemente poniéndolo sobre el papel y estableciendo una fecha de entrega. Pero, ¿cómo encontrar el tiempo para dedicarle a tu sueño, ya sea escribir una novela, aprender a hacer punto, correr una maratón, inscribirte en la universidad o hacer yoga? No es… Read More

+ 3-Step system to find time to reach your goals

3-Step formula to find time to follow your dreams

“I don´t have the time” is the most frequent excuse for not pursuing a dream. You can turn a dream into a goal by putting it on paper and then giving it a deadline. But, how do you find the time to devote to your dream, whether it be to write a novel, learn how to crochet, run a marathon, go back to school… Read More

+ Estrategias para sacar provecho a los libros de autoayuda

Tips para sacarle provecho a los libros de autoayuda

¿Cuántos libros de autoayuda has leído hasta el momento? ¿Te han cambiado la vida? Si la respuesta es que no, entonces la solución no está en leer más libros, sino en cambiar el modo en que los lees. Hace ya algunos años, escribí en coautoría con Raimón Samsó un libro titulado 7 Estrategias para sacar partido a los libros de autoayuda. En este libro… Read More