October 13, 2018 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
8 Apps I use to manage my digital business
I’m always on the lookout for ways to streamline my professional and personal life. Since I’m self-employed and work from home, often what helps me manage one part of my day benefits the other parts too. Here are some apps and services that I rely on to simplify everything. It’s not an exhaustive list, but they’re the ones I use the most FOR ORGANIZATIONAL… Read More

July 10, 2018 + English, Inspiration
The benefits of not “making it” early in life
One of the benefits of being of a certain age is that you really can look back and dish out advice based on decades of experience! And no, I don’t mean the kind where you explain to your kids how, back in the day, you walked to school in the snow, uphill both ways, with no coat or mittens, barefoot. I’m talking about the… Read More

June 15, 2018 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
3-Step formula to find time to follow your dreams
“I don´t have the time” is the most frequent excuse for not pursuing a dream. You can turn a dream into a goal by putting it on paper and then giving it a deadline. But, how do you find the time to devote to your dream, whether it be to write a novel, learn how to crochet, run a marathon, go back to school… Read More

May 13, 2018 + Creative Entrepreneurship, Español
Tips para sacarle provecho a los libros de autoayuda
¿Cuántos libros de autoayuda has leído hasta el momento? ¿Te han cambiado la vida? Si la respuesta es que no, entonces la solución no está en leer más libros, sino en cambiar el modo en que los lees. Hace ya algunos años, escribí en coautoría con Raimón Samsó un libro titulado 7 Estrategias para sacar partido a los libros de autoayuda. En este libro… Read More

March 30, 2018 + Creative Entrepreneurship, Español
Hacer lo que te propones a pesar del miedo
Si esperas a no tener miedo para hacer las cosas, lo más probable es que llegues a viejo-a y te arrepientas de todo aquello que dejaste por hacer. En mis cinco décadas de vida he aprendido que el temor se supera haciendo a menudo aquello que te asusta. Aunque también es cierto que algunos miedos no se superan. Entonces la solución es aprender a… Read More

January 28, 2018 + Creative Entrepreneurship, English
A strategy session with Johanna Voss changed my business & my life
When I launched the website VivaFifty.com early in 2014 I told my husband that it would probably take a year or two for it to make any money. To my surprise I was dead wrong. I had started it off as a personal blog, with a completely different look and feel than it has now. I just wanted a creative outlet from my contractor… Read More