November 22, 2016 + English, Motherhood & Parenting
Anti-bullying, anti-racism resources for families & teachers
The day after one of the longest and toughest election nights ever, my eldest went to school in Sarasota, Florida, to find that every other kid was wearing a Trump T-shirt. I told her to lay low and not talk politics. As white-skinned Hispanics, we can blend in and not raise an eyebrow unless we speak Spanish. The city where I live is liberal… Read More

November 4, 2016 + Beauty & Style, English
Cuddl Duds reversible top for comfort, style & layering
I recently shared how Cuddl Duds are the perfect layering separates, no matter where you live. In addition to the leggings, top and socks I featured, I’ve also discovered Cuddl Duds Softwear with Stretch Reversible Tank. I bought the tank top in black and found that I can wear it many different ways. It can be dressed up or down and accessorized for a… Read More

November 2, 2016 + Beauty & Style, English
Taking my new author photo with a natural but polished look
It was time for a new author photo for this writer. I´ve been using the same one for a few years, because I felt it captured exactly the energy and feel of the books and articles I write. I am all about finding joy in life, being comfortable in your own skin and embracing your age. It´s also the photo I use as my… Read More

October 26, 2016 + Beauty & Style, English
Layering in comfort & style with Cuddl Duds separates
As a work-at-home mom I’m always looking for comfort & style in any clothes I wear. I recently shared how as I’m writing my next book, I go straight from the yoga studio to the bookstore to work on my manuscript. Then I come home, shower and turn my attention to all other projects. In the late afternoon I pick up my youngest from… Read More

October 21, 2016 + English, Motherhood & Parenting
The busy mom´s solution for making a family photo book
I will never forget the day my youngest, who must have been 7 or 8 at the time, walked into my room and asked: “Mommy, do I have a baby picture book?” My heart sank. She did not. You see, when my eldest was born in 2001 I only had an analog camera. I always ordered double prints of all her photos. I made… Read More

October 16, 2016 + Beauty & Style, English
Classic & versatile top that flatters all figures
Packing for a social media conference or a press trip can be daunting. I always struggle to travel light while carrying enough options for my work travels. If the event requires “business casual” then the task is even harder … I’ve never really been a shirt or blouse wearer. I prefer simple tops that can go both ways and that you can dress up… Read More
September 25, 2016 + English, Motherhood & Parenting
Open letter to my three inspiring teens
Yoplait Go Big is inviting parents to write open letters to their tweens or teens telling them why they are amazing and why they inspire us. I will take any opportunity to highlight the positive in life, so I was really excited about this campaign. If you are a parent of teens, you know it can be a challenge. That´s why I find it… Read More

September 17, 2016 + Empowerment, Español
Remedio para esos días en que te sientes “mayor”
El paso del tiempo es inexorable. Por ello, hay que acostumbrarse desde jóvenes a enfrentar cada cumpleaños con alegría. Eso sí, reconozco que a partir de una cierta edad cada cumpleaños puede traer consigo una pequeña o gran crisis de identidad. A los 30, 40 o 50 y tantos ya no eres una niña, pero tampoco eres anciana. A estas edades el cómo te ves no siempre… Read More